Explore the Gut Reno Girl Blog:
Gut Reno Girl: Demystifying Home Renovations, One Project at a Time
We understand that the home renovation process can be difficult. Luckily Gut Reno Girl is here to help you through the entire process and help create your dream home.
Gail Davis - On Why You Need an Interior Designer
Tune in to hear, Gail Davis tell us how to deal with shady contractors, what an interior designer offers, how designers protect their clients. She also gives us the low down on her own reno and how she is prepping!
Dr. Katherine Cano - From 1st Gut Reno… to 1st Flip!
You don’t want to miss, Dr. Katherine Cano telling us about her real and raw renovation experience, from the timing (going on two years!) to pricing and to how she deals with contractors.
Maria Fristrom - Gut Renos in FINLAND!
Talk about a real examination of the highs and the low low lows of renos. Take a listen to be enlightened on working through failures, investment best practices, and some great grout tips!